Black Diamond
Black Diamond
While many prize diamonds for their clarity, opaque examples, such as black diamonds can be even more stunning and sought after than their clear counterparts. Black diamond is a stone that has a wealth of benefits for spiritual individuals such as abundance, inner strength, and balance. Black diamond is also a great stone for enhancing masculine energies and connecting with your sense of self.
Black Diamond Properties
Black Diamonds are not just beautiful to look at, but also have a variety of spiritual meanings. Black diamond is a rarer and more obscure gem, and the true extent of its powers is largely shrouded in mystery like the enchanting dark stone itself. Black diamond is well-known to connect to its individual wearer, so it’s likely the benefits you experience will be unique to you.
Black Diamond Angelic Connection
There are no specific angels which can be directly linked to black diamond, but celestial beings attracted to black and grounding stones will likely be drawn to black diamond, as well as those who are drawn to ‘typical’ diamond, such as Aladiah, Reliel, and Hahasiah.
Chakra Connection
Black diamond connects to the higher realms of spirituality and for this reason is most commonly connected with one's sense of self known as the ‘person’, which is a chakra point found outside of the body below the root chakra. Black diamond helps its users to clear blockages from their energy flow and allows them to strengthen their willpower. As a grounding stone, black diamond connects particularly well with root chakra stones.
Birthstone and Zodiac
Black diamond doesn’t have a specific birth month associated with it, nor does it have a strong affiliation to a single zodiac sign. It is thought that Capricorns may benefit most from the effects of this stone, however.
Black Diamond Spiritual Meaning
Black diamond is a stone of strength and personal willpower. Because of this, the power of a black diamond is largely connected to the wearer’s sense of self and purpose. Black diamond has strong masculine energy so naturally, those with greater masculine energy will be attracted to this stone, but black diamond is also beneficial to those with feminine energy looking to increase their physical strength or power within a group setting.
Black Diamond Power (What Black Diamond Attracts)
Black diamond is known to attract wealth, prosperity, abundance, and good fortune. Due to its greater rarity, black diamond is also a powerful stone for those with a streak of uniqueness in them, who like to break the mold or move against the current of popular society. For these people, black diamond can provide its wearer with the confidence and strength to express their real selves.
Black Diamond Protection (How Black Diamond Protects)
Black diamond is great for clearing blockages in your energy flow. This means it can be a great stone for keeping your chakras open and functioning and preventing any build-up of negative energy. Alongside this, as black diamond is a stone that increases confidence, it protects its wearer from feelings of self-doubt and low self-esteem.
How to Wear Black Diamond With Intention
Black diamond is best worn on the hands, due to their close position to the chakra point which black diamond most closely works with. This means that rings, bracelets, watches, and cufflinks are an excellent choice for black diamond jewelry. As it is a more masculine option, black diamond makes a great choice for males for wedding rings.
Where Black Diamond Originates
Black diamond’s originated in ancient Egypt where they were highly prized. In modern times, the largest deposits of black diamonds are found in places such as India where fascinating and unique examples of this stone have been found.