Emeralds are one of the most well-known precious stones across the world. Taking its name from the Sanskrit word; ‘marakata’, meaning spring green, Emerald has been known for thousands of years as a stone of great mystical power. Most commonly used for decorative purposes such as in the form of jewelry, Emerald has been referred to by a variety of names over the years such as ‘the traveler’s stone’ and the ‘stone of successful love’.
Emerald Properties
Emerald has a history spanning thousands of years. Ancient cultures such as the Egyptians were some of the first to discover the powerful properties of Emerald, and in modern-day India, the stone is still highly valued for spiritual purposes. There are many powerful reasons to keep Emerald close to you.
Emerald Angelic Connection
Emerald is a stone that attracts many angels. If you’re wanting to expand your connection with the angelic realm then Emerald makes the perfect stone of choice as it connects directly to the guardian angels; Nemamiah, Sirael, Hakamiah, Jejalel, Yehudiah, Lehahiah, and Polial. Alongside this archangels, Raphael, and Metatron are also drawn to the Emerald stone.
Chakra Connection
As a green stone Emerald resonates and stimulates the heart chakra and is a stone of physical and emotional healing.
Birthstone and Zodiac
Emerald is the birthstone for those born in May, but also has historic connections to June. Emerald is connected in the Zodiac sign Gemini, but also closely resonates with Capricorn, and Taurus. Emerald is also the wedding gift for those married for both 20 and 35 years.
Emerald Spiritual Meaning
Emerald is often defined as the stone of the heart because it symbolizes compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and universal love. Because of this Emerald can represent the powerful love that binds mother and child, siblings, or twin flames.
Emerald Power (What Emerald Attracts)
Emerald is known to promote self-esteem and is great at restoring lost confidence. Alongside this, emerald has an overall calming effect on our emotions and can stimulate not only our imaginations but our abilities to reflect. Emerald is particularly useful in the workplace as it helps to increase mental fortitude, improve memory, and aid communication.
In regards to healing, emerald is known to aid digestive issues and eye problems. It has also been regarded as a calming and soothing stone that can relieve feelings of depression and paranoia. Lastly, as a heart chakra stone emerald is also a powerful protector of the heart and can help to combat high blood pressure.
Emerald Protection (How Emerald Protects)
Emerald is a great stone for protecting against negativity both from the user and from their external environment. Emerald is also a great protector for travelers and adventurous individuals and because of this is known as the ‘traveler’s protection stone’.
How to Wear Emerald With Intention
Emerald is best worn as a jewelry item set in gold or silver. When worn as a ring it is most powerful on the left hand (due to the connection to the heart) on the middle finger. As a heart chakra stone, Emerald is also best worn as a necklace, pendant or brooch. Because it is a stone that protects and absorbs negative energy, emerald needs to be cleansed and cleaned often (using a soft cloth).
Where Emerald Originates
India has been the home of the emerald stone since pre-history. There are also large deposits of emerald in Austria and Egypt. More recently emerald veins have been found in Brazil and Latin America.