Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra of the human body. Found in between the hip bones this chakra is the seed of our energy, vitality, and life force. When our Sacral Chakra is balanced we are empowered and creative beings.
Name: Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana)
Also Known As: The Sex Chakra, The Social Chakra, and the Creative Chakra
Energy Center: Between the hip bones, reproductive organs.
Color: Orange
Symbol: Flower and crescent moon
Meaning: Oriented in energy, life, creativity, sexuality, and embracing oneself.
When Balanced: Feeling empowered and confident in your own impulses and instincts.
Causes of Imbalance: Changes in routine, lack of time for self-care, lack of passion or life purpose, stale relationships.
When Unbalanced: Lack of virility, energy, or passion for life.
Physical Symptoms of Unbalance: Reproductive system problems, kidney and urinary tract problems, back pain.
Mental Symbols of Unbalance: Apathy, low-self esteem, body dysmorphia.
Balancing Activities: Physical movement such as hip exercises and dancing. Activities which inspire passion (hobbies/intimacy) or foster sensuality (such as body-based self-care).
Gemstone: Carnelian, orange calcite, peach aventurine, sunstone, tiger’s eye, amber, orange moonstone, goldstone, and fire agate.
Crystal Placement: Between the hip bones, above the sexual organs
Archangel: Uriel
Yoga Positions: Warrior II, goddess pose, low lunge, and pigeon pose
Seed Syllable: ‘Vam’
Mantra: ‘I feel’
Affirmations: I feel strong, I feel energized, I feel empowered, I feel my inner and outer beauty.
Element: Water
Energy Type: Feminine
Presiding Planet: Jupiter + Venus (Moon)
Star Sign: Cancer and Sagittarius
World Location: Lake Titicaca in Peru/Bolivia
Numerology number: 6
Essential Oils: Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Jasmine, Orange, Bergamot, Neroli, Rosewood, Black Pepper, Fennel, Lavender.
Strengths: Flexibility, adaptability, instinct, empowerment.
Weaknesses: Impulsiveness, motivated by pleasure, isolation.