Root Chakra


The Root Chakra is the first chakra of the human body. Found at the base of the spine it works like the root of a plant to ground us and keep us steady. A balanced Root Chakra makes us feel sure and certain of ourselves and in balance with our other chakras.


Name: Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Also Known As: The Root of All Things

Energy Center: Base of Spine, etheric body (connects to Kundalini)


Color: Red (and black)

Symbol: Red lotus with four petals.

Meaning: Oriented in self-preservation, base instincts, connection to earth, grounding, and solid foundation solid foundation.

When Balanced: When healthy, brings prosperity and security.

Causes of Imbalance: Unexpected hardship, lack of means/resources, sudden lifestyle change or challenges. 

When Unbalanced: Feelings of disconnection, lack of self-worth, needs go unmet. 

Physical Symptoms of Unbalance: Low blood pressure, digestive problems, inflammation, constipation.

Mental Symbols of Unbalance: Depression, self-deprecation, negativity, cynicism. 

Balancing Activities: Physical exercise, movement exercises, deep breathing exercises

Gemstones: Ruby, Carnelian, Garnet, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Red Jasper, Black Jasper, Bloodstone, Black Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Red Tiger’s Eye, Black Obsidian.

Crystal Placement: Placed off the body near the hips/thighs

Archangel: Gabriel


Yoga Positions: Child’s pose, lotus, triangle pose, garland pose.

Mantra: ‘I have/I am’

Affirmations: I am present, I am grounded, I am connected to the earth, I have worth, I have value.


Element: Earth

Energy Type: Masculine

Presiding Planet: Saturn

Star Sign: Capricorn and Venus

World Location: Mount Shasta, North California


Numerology number: 9

Essential Oils: Juniper, Vetiver, Cinnamon, Rosewood, Frankincense, Cedarwood, and Patchouli

Strengths: Connection to nature, life force, survival instinct

Weaknesses: Egoism, lack of self control