Throat Chakra
The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra of the human body. Found at the throat this chakra helps us to communicate not just our wants and needs but our truths. When in balance we are able to express ourselves, communicate with others and gain deeper and more meaningful insights.
Name: Throat (Vishuddha)
Also Known As: The seat of individual truth
Energy Center: Throat, etheric template
Color: Blue
Symbol: 16-petaled flower
Meaning: Communication, verbal expression, the seeking and sharing of truth
When Balanced: Clear communication, valuable insights, truthfulness, self-expression.
Causes of Imbalance: Frequent lies either by self or experienced, situations of powerlessness, exposure to toxic and dominating personalities.
When Unbalanced: The inability to communicate effectively, ideas going unheard, difficulty with expression.
Physical Symptoms of Unbalance: Laryngitis, sore throats, pain in neck/shoulders, thyroid problems, issues with the teeth, gums, ears, and lower sinuses.
Mental Symbols of Unbalance: Social isolation, social anxiety, low self-worth.
Balancing Activities: Ujjayi pranayama (yogic breathing technique), hatha flow, truth-telling exercises.
Gemstone: Sapphire, Sodalite, Blue Calcite, Blue Kyanite, Chrysocolla, Celestite, Blue Chalcedony, Angelite, Blue Turquoise, Amazonite, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli
Crystal Placement: The throat above the voice box
Archangel: Michael
Yoga Positions: Shoulder stand, plow pose, fish pose, lion’s pose, seated cat-cow, and neck circles.
Seed Syllable: ‘Ham’
Mantra: ‘I speak’
Affirmations: ‘I speak my truth’ ‘I speak honestly’ ‘the words I speak have value’
Element: Sound (Ether)
Energy Type: Masculine
Presiding Planet: Mercury
Star Sign: Gemini/Virgo
World Location: Great Pyramid of Giza, Mount Sinai, Egypt, and the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem
Numerology number: 8
Essential Oils: Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Sage, Cypress, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Clove, Tea Tree.
Strengths: Effective communication, authority, honesty, candor.
Weaknesses: Dominating conversation, misleading words, failure to listen.