The Connections Between the 7 Chakras and the 7 Archangels for Powerful Spiritual Enlightenment

All of us who are spiritually attuned know that the universe is a complicated web of vast connections. As we wander through life we gain the understanding needed to make the connections within the spiritual world which we can use to improve our lives and better ourselves. Two of the most powerful spiritual forces; the 7 archangels, and the 7 chakras are connected and can be channeled as a powerful tool for spiritual enlightenment.
The Number 7 Connects All
There’s a perfect match between the number of archangels and the number of chakras; this isn’t a coincidence, it’s actually a perfect example of how the universe is intertwined!

The number 7 is one of the most powerful digits in numerology and is known as the number of completeness, perfection, and harmony. In fact, our lives are surrounded by 7’s. Just think, there are:
- 7 world oceans
- 7 continents
- 7 days in a week
- 7 candles in the Jewish Menorah
- 7 dimensions in a cube
- 7 wonders of the ancient world
- 7 vertebrae in the human spine
And there are so many more! So as you can see the number 7 relates to the earth, our bodies, our religions, our history, our sciences, time, and reality. It is this same perfect principle that connects the 7 chakras with the 7 archangels.
The 7 Chakras
The 7 chakras were first mentioned in ancient sacred texts known as the Vedas in around 1500BC. The word ‘chakra’ is Sanskrit for ‘wheel’ which refers to the fact that the chakras are energy points in your body. In the Vedas, the 7 chakras are described as spinning wheels of energy that need to be kept open in order for a person to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit. While some schools of thought propose up to 114 different chakras it is generally agreed that there are 7 main chakras which run the length of the body which are as follows:
- Root (Muladhara) is found at the base of the spine and deals with stability, grounding, and physical identity and is represented by the color red.
- Sacral (Svadhisthana) is found between the belly button and the pubic bone and deals with creativity, sexuality, and pleasure and is represented by the color orange.
- Solar Plexus (Manipura) is found in the upper abdomen and deals with confidence and self-esteem and is represented by the color yellow.
- Heart (Anahata) is found in the center of the chest a little above the heart and deals with compassion and love and is represented by the color green.
- Throat (Vishuddha) is found in the throat area and deals with communication and is represented by the color blue.
- The Third Eye or Brow (Ajna) is found between the eyes and deals with intuition and imagination and is represented by the color indigo.
- The Crown (Sahasrara) is found on the top of the head and deals with intelligence and awareness and is represented by the color violet (and sometimes white).
It is thought that many of the social, emotional, mental, relationship, and physical issues we experience in our lives can be caused by the closing of any one of these key chakras and that we can heal from these ailments if we learn to reopen them. We can also channel each of the chakras to improve our lives in the areas with which they concern. This can be done in a variety of ways such as manifesting through crystals, yoga, meditation, and calling upon the archangels.
The 7 Archangels
Let’s first look at who the 7 archangels are and what they represent within the spiritual world. The 7 archangels are:
Depending on the scripture or the research you read there can be as many as 15 archangels, however, it is widely regarded that the 7 listed above are the key names mentioned or featured across many world religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and the Zoroastrian belief system. In all of these belief systems, angels are ordered in a hierarchy. The archangels are in the highest order of angels in the category known as ‘seraphim’.
The role of the archangels is to assist mankind by acting as the link between God (or whatever creator or higher power you believe in) and earth. This is why in the Bible the archangels such as Michael and Gabriel appear as messengers delivering vital messages such as to the Virgin Mary. In terms of your personal angels, the archangels may channel messages to your guides so that they can communicate important divine guidance to you.
In turn, you may also want to send your intentions or channel your desires to the archangels directly, which is why incorporating the chakra and the crystal connected to each archangel can be a great way to help ensure your request is heard.
The Crystals for Manifesting the 7 Chakras

Before we dive into connecting and combining the 7 chakras with the 7 archangels let’s first explore the crystals connected to each of the chakras and then each of the archangels. This is because crystals are a vital tool for manifestation and act at the bridges between the chakras within your body, your intentions/desires, and your messages to the archangels.
As with many things in the universe we’ll never truly know why crystals work so well as manifestation tools. It is thought, however, that because of the crystalline structures they are able to absorb, retain, and then emit energy that is offered to them. This is perfect for channeling our hopes and dreams as while our intentions may be as clear as day in our minds, they lack a physical and tangible form; which is what a charged crystal offers.
Each crystal also naturally has its own energies and properties which it can release to us in times when we are lacking. For example, if we are struggling with communicating our needs within the workplace, keeping a piece of blue turquoise close to us will help us to discuss our wants with greater ease. This is why crystals are commonly worn in jewelry and why; even for those who do not believe in the power of crystals, still associate certain stones such as rose quartz with love or the warm glow of a citrine with confidence and bright energy.
Listed below are the crystals most commonly associated with each chakra, though please note, this is only a brief list of the most commonly associated stones, as there are hundreds of crystals and, for example, 17+ different crystals for manifesting love alone!
The Crystals of the Archangels
Each of the 7 archangels also has their own crystals associated with them, due to the aspects and characteristics they represent, and with some on this list, you’ll likely be able to start to make your own connections between these seraphim and the 7 chakras.
Connecting the Dots: The 7 Chakras and the 7 Archangels
From reading the lists above you may have started to make your own connections with the archangels and the chakras. Just as the 7 chakras work in harmony with one another, so too do the 7 archangels, which is why an angel may feel like they can fit into multiple categories.
For example, let’s take the concept of love. Pretty straight forward, it belongs to the heart chakra right? But what about the communication needed to have a long-term loving relationship (throat chakra), or the desires you have for your partner (sacral chakra)? What about the grounding needed to maintain a long-term love (root chakra), or the awareness of your partner's thoughts and feelings (crown chakra)? Suddenly, things get a lot more intricate and interwoven, and the same goes for the archangels themselves! So, it’s important to note that the following list is just one of many interpretations and that each angel (as also each chakra) influences and works with each other.
The Root Chakra: Archangel Gabriel
Starting off with the chakra furthest down the body, the root chakra can be connected to the archangel Gabriel. While a messenger of God, and therefore also connected to the throat chakra, the Archangel Gabriel represents the root chakra as his name quite literally means; ‘strength of God’.
Without a strong and stable base all things in life will fall apart, just as our skeleton is the framework for our body, or the foundations that keep a building steady in the ground, the root chakra represents a stable grounded base, and so too does Gabriel. We all know how hard it is to be the peacemaker and level-headed individual in a group and the unwavering strength it can take to keep harmonious balance. This is the role that the strong archangel Gabriel plays.
The archangel Gabriel is known as a guiding angel. Just like how in the Bible he helped to guide Mary, Gabriel acts as a stable guide to keep us anchored to our true path. Gabriel is most beneficial to the more ‘fluid’ individuals in society, such as artists, poets, theologians, writers, and other creatives because he helps to give their non-physical ideas and concepts grounding.
If this is your first time channeling the archangels or working with chakras, you’ll likely want to channel Gabriel/the root chakra first, as this will help you to create a stable foundation with which to continue your spiritual journey.
The Sacral Chakra: Archangel Uriel
Moving up to the sacral chakra which is connected to the Archangel Uriel. Uriel is known as ‘God’s light’ which is probably why Uriel is also connected to the solar plexus chakra. However, Uriel is most commonly known as ‘the fire of God’ which is why (though angels are deemed as genderless), Uriel can be connected to the heated passions of love, desire, and sex.
While Archangel Uriel is also well-known as one of the wiser angels, leading to connections with the crown and third-eye chakras, it is also worth noting that wisdom comes in many forms and is overall a steadying force, hence Uriel's connection with the closest chakra to the immovable root chakra. In the position of the sacral chakra Uriel's wisdom asks us to look both within and at our physical forms. This correlates with the dual nature of the sacral chakra and reflects Uriel's wisdom as a problem cannot be solved from merely looking at one angle. By being aware of our bodies and our physical actions we can often demystify the sometimes more instinctual feelings of passion and sex and understand what it is we truly desire.
Because of this, you may find it useful to place the crystals associated with Uriel and the sacral chakra around your bedroom. This isn’t just because this is a place where sexual desires are released, but also because the bedroom is often a place of reflection as you ruminate on your day before you go to sleep and consider your plans as you wake.
The Solar Plexus Chakra: Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Jophiel is referred to as ‘God’s beauty’ and because of this is connected with the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra is the chakra in control of confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. Opening your solar plexus chakra let’s your inner beauty, confidence, and personality shine from within, just as Jophiel shines with God’s beauty.
Archangel Jophiel is known as the positive archangel and therefore is often channeled by those who need his comfort and support in trying times or in times of self-doubt. Jophiel is a calming force, just as the area of the solar plexus is often involved in soothing acts such as deep breathing exercises and warmth from a hot water bottle.
Combining the crystals connected with Jophiel and the solar plexus chakra, or practicing meditation with Jophiel in mind can often provide you with the reassurance you need to overcome your personal obstacles and doubts.
The Heart Chakra: Archangel Raphael
Known as the healing force of God, the archangel Raphael is indelibly linked to the heart chakra, which, as we learned earlier, isn’t simply a place of love, but healing, courage, and peace too. When channeled, Raphael has been known to heal both physical ailments and emotional and mental wounds. Opening your heart chakra can be a great way to let Raphael's healing guidance in, and take the first steps on the road to recovery.
Many faiths and cultures believe the heart is the center of the body, after all, without it we cannot live. Therefore the heart chakra is often viewed as a connection between the other chakras. Just as the root chakra steadies the other chakras of the body, the heart chakra keeps the 7 chakras connected, and the same can be said for Raphael's role within the group of Archangels. Because of this, you may find it helpful to channel Raphael's healing energy when working with other chakras too, such as the throat chakra if you’re struggling to make yourself heard, or the root chakra if you’re feeling off balance in life.
The Throat Chakra: Archangel Michael
Just as our words often speak the certainty of our will, so too is Archangel Michael the angel who is most fixed in his position as the representative of the throat chakra. Known to be the archangel that most closely represented God and was most often God’s messenger, communication and the Archangel Michael truly go hand in hand.
Commonly connected with his ‘twin’, Gabriel, Michael also represents strength. Unlike the steadying and guiding strength of Gabriel though, Michaels strength is much more connected to the role of a leader where skillful communication is needed not only to keep a group unified but also rouse them to action. For this reason, Michael is best called upon in times of uncertainty or when a decision needs to be made in an area of your life (such as whether to accept a promotion, or to make a large purchase). Channeling the archangel Michael via the throat chakra will allow you the clarity of mind to communicate your wants and needs and come to the right decision.
Many people find wearing a stone in Michael’s and the throat chakra’s resonant color; blue (such as lapis lazuli) around their neck helps them with effective communication in their day-to-day life. This can be particularly helpful for naturally mild-mannered individuals who want their voice to be heard.
The Third-Eye Chakra: Archangel Chamuel
Archangel Chamuel is known as ‘he who seeks God’ which connects them perfectly with the third-eye or brow chakra. The third-eye chakra is used to connect with your sense of intuition and inspiration and can be opened to discover valuable insights and enlightenment just as Chamuel guided religious souls on the path to Godliness.
In the Bible Chamuel is greatly driven by a need to bring peace to the world, and when channelled through the third-eye chakra can bring great peace by parting the fog of confusion and indecision and silencing the background noise of your inner critics, allowing you to focus on finding your true inspirations. While the heart and throat chakra may help to solve many of life’s problems, the third-eye chakra is needed to unpick complex problems such as those which are lorded over by self-doubt, previous traumas, or surrounded by ‘what-ifs’ and multiple plausible outcomes.
Channeling Chamuel's energy can be very helpful for those who find their minds get easily cluttered and overwhelmed such as creative individuals and deep thinkers. You may find it helpful to keep a crystal pertinent to the third-eye chakra close-by, such as in your pocket to help you to filter out the white noise of day-to-day life and see what really matters.
The Crown Chakra: Archangel Zadkiel
The crown chakra is known to represent intelligence and awareness as is the archangel Zadkiel who represents God’s righteousness. In a similar vein, being the furthest chakra away from our base or root chakra, the crown chakra can be seen to not only represent us, but our effect on others. Zadkiel and the crown chakra have a strong role to play in our day-to-day well-being as well as our path to spiritual enlightenment as without a strong moral compass we cannot feel fulfilled or work to improve ourselves for the better.
Zadkiel encourages us to be hyper-aware of our surroundings and actions and to pay heed to the consequences our actions may have for those around us. It is important to note that Zadkiel isn’t simply an archangel intended to pass judgement on your choices which is why Zadkiel also brings with him the intelligence needed to effectively reflect and learn from our actions, afterall, righteous judgement cannot be passed without true understanding of every aspect of a case.
You’ll most likely find opening your crown chakra and channeling Zadkiel useful in moments of reflection or meditation, similar to that of the third-eye. You can use the crystals connected with Zadkiel and the crown chakra to take stock of the actions of the day, week, or month, as this will allow you to review your life objectively and find areas of improvement or lessons that need to be learned.
Double-Strength Guidance!
So as you can see, the 7 chakras and the 7 archangels can seamlessly blend together to help you to improve every aspect of your life as well as every aspect of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. As mentioned, you also don’t have to channel each chakra or angel in isolation. Depending on your spiritual need you can channel your own perfect combination to bring you the guidance you need and deserve.
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