Activate Your Faith

This blog celebrates you. The Spiritual YOU.
The fact that you are here is a sign that you are looking for something that speaks to you differently. Deeply. Honestly. Reinterpreting spirituality for modern day living. Through Active Faith.
The best way to get started, is to look at religion through a slightly different lens. Anyone raised in a single faith or religion can attest to the exclusivity of the group you attend services with, the rules and traditions of the religion, and the rituals required to be considered in good standing with that faith. Another way of looking at this is – if you practice your faith on the terms laid out by ‘your’ religious group, you remain in good standing. If you deviate, or ‘break the rules’ you are banished from that religious group or punished/reprimanded in some way that informs you of your guilt or wrongdoing. A bit rigid and threatening? Yes. Unfortunately, this is the ‘religious’ norm.
Does this approach to spirituality speak to you? Does it draw you in for all the right reasons? Or do you continue to practice your faith in a half measures to keep you loosely connected -- but actually feel no connection to? No secret why worshippers are leaving organized religion in droves. But what will replace this?
Traditional society wants you to believe that if you are not ‘religious’ you have no connection to God – YOUR creator.
That is not true.
Why can’t you take your traditions, beliefs, and the rituals that really speak to you, and help you to connect to your creator, and apply them differently? You do not need a religious broker to connect to God. You do not need a formal service in a religious building to connect to God. In fact, every minute of every day should be in connection to God. At-one-ment with God. When you live in at-one-ment with God, everything in your life changes. Everything.
It has been said that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Are we? Are you? Are you living your soul purpose? Why not? Still searching? Seeking guidance? How do you find the guidance you need? How about talking to God? Through prayer?
Your prayers to God/your creator is your way of asking for what you need. The answers you receive through your intuition and gut instincts, are God’s ways of answering your prayers. Are you even listening?
This blog will explore your Spirit-YOU-ality, and bring to you the best spiritual and metaphysical thinkers to guide you in how to live a life of active faith. On your terms. Supporting your belief system. Applied in a way that makes you feel connected to life differently. When you live with intent, the universe shifts with you.