About Our Gemstones

Black Diamond
While many prize diamonds for their clarity, opaque examples, such as black diamonds can be even more stunning and sought after than their clear counterparts. Black diamond is a stone that has a wealth of benefits for spiritual individuals such as abundance, inner strength, and balance. Black diamond is also a great stone for enhancing masculine energies and connecting with your sense of self. 

Black Diamond Properties
Black Diamonds are not just beautiful to look at, but also have a variety of spiritual meanings. Black diamond is a rarer and more obscure gem, and the true extent of its powers is largely shrouded in mystery like the enchanting dark stone itself. Black diamond is well-known to connect to its individual wearer, so it’s likely the benefits you experience will be unique to you.

Black Diamond Angelic Connection
There are no specific angels which can be directly linked to black diamond, but celestial beings attracted to black and grounding stones will likely be drawn to black diamond, as well as those who are drawn to ‘typical’ diamond, such as Aladiah, Reliel, and Hahasiah.

Chakra Connection
Black diamond connects to the higher realms of spirituality and for this reason is most commonly connected with one's sense of self known as the ‘person’, which is a chakra point found outside of the body below the root chakra. Black diamond helps its users to clear blockages from their energy flow and allows them to strengthen their willpower. As a grounding stone, black diamond connects particularly well with root chakra stones. 

Birthstone and Zodiac
Black diamond doesn’t have a specific birth month associated with it, nor does it have a strong affiliation to a single zodiac sign. It is thought that Capricorns may benefit most from the effects of this stone, however.

Black Diamond Spiritual Meaning
Black diamond is a stone of strength and personal willpower. Because of this, the power of a black diamond is largely connected to the wearer’s sense of self and purpose. Black diamond has strong masculine energy so naturally, those with greater masculine energy will be attracted to this stone, but black diamond is also beneficial to those with feminine energy looking to increase their physical strength or power within a group setting. 

Black Diamond Power (What Black Diamond Attracts)
Black diamond is known to attract wealth, prosperity, abundance, and good fortune. Due to its greater rarity, black diamond is also a powerful stone for those with a streak of uniqueness in them, who like to break the mold or move against the current of popular society. For these people, black diamond can provide its wearer with the confidence and strength to express their real selves. 

Black Diamond Protection (How Black Diamond Protects)
Black diamond is great for clearing blockages in your energy flow. This means it can be a great stone for keeping your chakras open and functioning and preventing any build-up of negative energy. Alongside this, as black diamond is a stone that increases confidence, it protects its wearer from feelings of self-doubt and low self-esteem. 

How to Wear Black Diamond With Intention
Black diamond is best worn on the hands, due to their close position to the chakra point which black diamond most closely works with. This means that rings, bracelets, watches, and cufflinks are an excellent choice for black diamond jewelry. As it is a more masculine option, black diamond makes a great choice for males for wedding rings.

Where Black Diamond Originates
Black diamond’s originated in ancient Egypt where they were highly prized. In modern times, the largest deposits of black diamonds are found in places such as India where fascinating and unique examples of this stone have been found. 


Diamonds are probably the most prized gemstone in modern jewelry making. As the hardest substance known to man, diamond has a variety of uses that extend beyond artistic and spiritual practices, but, as also the most valuable stone in the world, its primary use comes in the form of stunning jewelry pieces.

Most commonly colorless but available in a spectrum of colors, diamonds are graded under the four C’s; Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat. The grading of these categories ensures that the stone you purchase is of the perfect quality for its price point.

Diamond Properties
As mentioned, diamonds are prized not just for their beauty but their powerful spiritual properties. The benefits of wearing diamonds or keeping diamonds close-by are numerous.

Diamond Angelic Connection
As a stone of spiritual clarity, a diamond can be connected to many angels. Three key guardian angels interact most closely with this stone who are Aladiah, Reliel, and Hahasiah.  Arch Angels Metatron, Zadkiel 

Chakra Connection

As a most commonly clear stone, diamond works most closely with the Crown chakra . The crown chakra is connected to our intuition and spiritual self as it is the bridge between our physical and spiritual forms.

Birthstone and Zodiac

Diamond is the birthstone of those born in April and has strong connections to the zodiac signs of Aries, Taurus, and Leo.

Diamond Spiritual Meaning
Diamond is a stone of clarity. Because of this, its spiritual meaning is largely centered around valuable insight into the heart, mind, and soul. Due to its connection to the crown chakra, a diamond can also act as our link to the divine world. 

Diamond Power (What Diamond Attracts)
Diamonds are used to attract improvements in our lives including those in areas of personal growth, love, faith, and spirituality. Diamond is a stone of abundance and will attract feelings of strength, courage, and creativity. 

Diamond Protection (How Diamond Protects)
Diamonds are great at protecting us from negative energies and can also work to cleanse our bodies of existing negative forces. In general, it is thought that diamonds can realign our bodies into perfect balance which can have the benefit of relieving impacts of long-term conditions such as fatigue. 

How to Wear Diamond with Intention
The location where a diamond is worn can have an impact on the power of the stone. In general, it is thought that wearing diamonds as a ring on your left hand, or around the neck is the best way to maximize the power of this stone, though other positions such as a bracelet or drop earrings also hold power due to their close proximity to the most powerful zones.

Where Diamond Originates
Some of the best variants of diamonds are found in India, the Kashmir region, and Burma. The very first diamonds were discovered thousands of years ago in regions of India and have been prized as a precious stone across Asia and Europe for thousands of years. 


  • https://www.minerals.net/gemstone/diamond_gemstone.aspx
  • https://shubhgems.com/blog/frequently-asked-question-about-diamond
  • http://www.crystalvaults.com/crystal-encyclopedia/diamond/
  • https://www.charmsoflight.com/diamond-healing-properties
  • https://www.zimmidiamond.com/post/the-spiritual-meaning-of-diamonds
  • https://www.firemountaingems.com/resources/encyclobeadia/gem-notes/gemnotediamond
  • Emerald
    Emeralds are one of the most well-known precious stones across the world. Taking its name from the Sanskrit word; ‘marakata’, meaning spring green, Emerald has been known for thousands of years as a stone of great mystical power. Most commonly used for decorative purposes such as in the form of jewelry, Emerald has been referred to by a variety of names over the years such as ‘the traveler’s stone’ and the ‘stone of successful love’.

    Emerald Properties
    Emerald has a history spanning thousands of years. Ancient cultures such as the Egyptians were some of the first to discover the powerful properties of Emerald, and in modern-day India, the stone is still highly valued for spiritual purposes. There are many powerful reasons to keep Emerald close to you.

    Emerald Angelic Connection
    Emerald is a stone that attracts many angels. If you’re wanting to expand your connection with the angelic realm then Emerald makes the perfect stone of choice as it connects directly to the guardian angels; Nemamiah, Sirael, Hakamiah, Jejalel, Yehudiah, Lehahiah, and Polial. Alongside this archangels, Raphael, and Metatron are also drawn to the Emerald stone. 

    Chakra Connection

    As a green stone Emerald resonates and stimulates the heart chakra  and is a stone of physical and emotional healing. 

    Birthstone and Zodiac

    Emerald is the birthstone for those born in May, but also has historic connections to June. Emerald is connected in the Zodiac sign Gemini, but also closely resonates with Capricorn, and Taurus. Emerald is also the wedding gift for those married for both 20 and 35 years.

    Emerald Spiritual Meaning
    Emerald is often defined as the stone of the heart because it symbolizes compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and universal love. Because of this Emerald can represent the powerful love that binds mother and child, siblings, or twin flames.

    Emerald Power (What Emerald Attracts)
    Emerald is known to promote self-esteem and is great at restoring lost confidence. Alongside this, emerald has an overall calming effect on our emotions and can stimulate not only our imaginations but our abilities to reflect. Emerald is particularly useful in the workplace as it helps to increase mental fortitude, improve memory, and aid communication.

    In regards to healing, emerald is known to aid digestive issues and eye problems. It has also been regarded as a calming and soothing stone that can relieve feelings of depression and paranoia. Lastly, as a heart chakra stone emerald is also a powerful protector of the heart and can help to combat high blood pressure. 

    Emerald Protection (How Emerald Protects)
    Emerald is a great stone for protecting against negativity both from the user and from their external environment. Emerald is also a great protector for travelers and adventurous individuals and because of this is known as the ‘traveler’s protection stone’.

    How to Wear Emerald With Intention
    Emerald is best worn as a jewelry item set in gold or silver. When worn as a ring it is most powerful on the left hand (due to the connection to the heart) on the middle finger. As a heart chakra stone, Emerald is also best worn as a necklace, pendant or brooch. Because it is a stone that protects and absorbs negative energy, emerald needs to be cleansed and cleaned often (using a soft cloth).

    Where Emerald Originates
    India has been the home of the emerald stone since pre-history. There are also large deposits of emerald in Austria and Egypt. More recently emerald veins have been found in Brazil and Latin America.


  • https://meanings.crystalsandjewelry.com/emerald/
  • http://www.crystalvaults.com/crystal-encyclopedia/emerald/
  • https://www.firemountaingems.com/resources/encyclobeadia/gem-notes/gmstnprprtsmrld?term=emerald

  • Ruby
    Ruby is a stone with a fascinating history. Known as the ‘Queen of Stones’ and the ‘Stone of Kings’ this stunning red gemstone has been prized and adored throughout history, not only for its beauty but its powerful spiritual properties and benefits. 

    One of the four ‘precious’ gemstones, Ruby is found in a variety of shades of red, and depending on its cut, can catch the light in stunning ways.

    Ruby Properties
    Rubies are beloved stones not just for their stunning visual qualities, but their spiritual and metaphysical qualities too. There are so many reasons why you may want to keep this stone nearby, and here’s a brief run-down of some of the best features of this beautiful crimson stone. 

    Ruby Angelic Connection
    Many guardian angels are partial to the stone ruby. Mumiah, Hariel, Mikael, Ariel, Asaliah, and Imamiah are all guardian angels closely connected to rubies. Other angels which can be called forth by ruby include Arch Angel Uriel,  Samandiriel, Zuriel, and Graphiel. 

    Chakra Connection

    As a red stone, ruby most closely connects to the root chakra which is the chakra point that sits lowest upon our physical form. The root chakra is where we ground ourselves, connecting ourselves to reality, manifesting focus, resilience, inner strength, and unshakable steadiness and calm. As it is also a stone of determination and passion, ruby can also be connected with the heart chakra. 

    Birthstone and Zodiac
    Ruby is the birthstone for those born in July. As the birthstone of July babies, ruby can be connected to the zodiac sign Cancer but is more closely connected to individuals born under the sign of Capricorn due to the strong will of Capricorn individuals.

    Ruby Spiritual Meaning
    As mentioned, ruby has a long history of being revered. Ruby has many spiritual meanings and is known as a passion talisman, a stone of protection, and a stone of prosperity. Ruby represents the sun and is thought to tap into its wearer’s most driving desires and ambitions. Ruby is also thought to increase our life-force energy, known as ‘chi’, and invigorate our body and spirit.

    Ruby Power (What Ruby Attracts)
    Ruby is a stone that is likely to send a surge of energy through you! Ruby attracts feelings of motivation and personal growth thanks to how it encourages the wearer to strive for their deepest desires. Because of this ruby can be a stone of abundance and prosperity.  

    Ruby Protection (How Ruby Protects)
    As rubies are connected to our life's purpose, our life-energy, and passions, ruby is a great stone for pushing away boredom, stagnation, inactivity, fatigue, and exhaustion. This makes ruby a useful stone for those with depression, procrastinators, and those who easily become paralyzed by self-doubt.

    How to Wear Ruby With Intention
    As it is an energizing stone it is advised you don’t wear ruby or have ruby too close to you when you sleep. In regards to wearing ruby in a piece of jewelry, there’s a variety of pieces that will enhance the beneficial properties of this stone. 

    As it works with the root chakra, any jewelry piece which sits the stone at waist level can be beneficial such as bracelets. As it also works with the heart chakra and is connected to our deepest and most true desires, ruby also works excellently as a necklace and pendant with a lower drop. 

    Where Ruby Originates
    Some of the first veins of ruby were discovered in Thailand thousands of years ago. In modern-day gem-work, some of the best examples of ruby are found in India, as well as Burma.


  • https://meanings.crystalsandjewelry.com/ruby/
  • https://www.crystalvaults.com/crystal-encyclopedia/ruby/

  • Sapphire

    Sapphire is one of the four precious stones and is part of the same gemstone classification as ruby with the only difference being color. Sapphire is most commonly found in shades of blue, but can also be found in black, green, pink, yellow, orange, dark gray, and violet. 

    It is thought that sapphire gained its name through a combination of the French word ‘saphir’, the Latin word, ‘sapphirs’, and the Greek word ‘sappherios’, because all these words not only have a clear visual link to the modern word ‘sapphire’ but also mean blue stone’.

    Sapphire Properties
    One thing you’ll probably first notice when looking at a piece of sapphire is the stunning depth of the stone. It isn’t simply blue, but a myriad of tones and shades which draw the eye in. Certainly a mysterious stone, there are many amazing spiritual and metaphysical benefits to this stone.  

    Sapphire Angelic Connection
    Sapphire has strong connections to the guardian angels; Rochel, Gabamiah, Jelial, Mahasiah, Iezalel, Caliel, Nelchael, Haaiah, Ieiazel, Veualiah, and Nanael. Sapphire is also thought to attract Arch Angel Michael as well as Tzaphiel and  Zadkiel, 

    Chakra Connection

    As a stone that most commonly appears in blue and purple forms, Sapphire is connected to the throat and third-eye chakras, meaning it is a stone that can help with communication as well as intuition and foresight. 

    Birthstone and Zodiac
    Sapphire is the birthstone of those born in September, though historically Sapphire was connected to those born in April. In regards to the zodiac, sapphire is indelibly linked to Taurus.

    Sapphire Spiritual Meaning
    Sapphire is known as a stone of great insight. Because it connects both to our third-eye where we can see things that aren’t usually seen, and the throat chakra, it allows us to communicate that which may have otherwise remained silent. For this reason, sapphire has great use to those looking to explore past lives or unlock some of the secrets of their subconscious.

    Sapphire Power (What Sapphire Attracts)
    Sapphire is known as a wisdom stone and is believed to allow its wearer to attract greater insights and see the world at a deeper and more meaningful level. Sapphire attracts a calm mind and promotes harmony between your mind and your voice allowing you to communicate complex wants and needs or intentions with greater ease. 

    Sapphire Protection (How Sapphire Protects)
    Sapphire is great at protecting its wearer from intrusive or unwanted thoughts, meaning it’s a brilliant stone for those who struggle with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and OCD. This stone also prevents your mind from becoming cluttered and chaotic and keeps thoughts clear and precise. Sapphire has also been known to protect wearers against nightmares. 

    How to Wear Sapphire With Intention
    Sapphire is best worn close to the throat such as in the form of a choker or necklace because of its close connection with the throat chakra. Drop earrings are also a brilliant way to wear sapphire with intention because it brings the stone closer to your third-eye chakra while remaining in contact with the throat chakra. Unlike ruby, sapphire is best kept close at night thanks to its protection against nightmares and its calming energy. 

    Where Sapphire Originates
    The highest-quality sapphires are found in Kashmir, Burma, and Sri Lanka. As sapphire comes in so many forms and varieties, however, there have been deposits of this stone found all over the world.


  • https://www.firemountaingems.com/resources/encyclobeadia/gem-notes/gemnotesapphire
  • https://www.crystalvaults.com/crystal-encyclopedia/sapphire/
  • https://meanings.crystalsandjewelry.com/sapphire/