The Game Of Life and How to Play It
The journey towards living a life of Active Faith, should begin with the teachings one of the original modern day spiritual thinkers -- Florence Scovell Shinn. Ms. Shinn authored a book called ‘The Game of Life and how to Play it’ in 1925. It is a foundational work for so many in the spiritual and metaphysical space. But more importantly, it is one of the best works translating the word of God to modern day interpretation. Her work still stands the test of time. Written nearly 100 years ago, her lessons still apply. I want to share them with you, and highly recommend reading her book. It is one of the most inspiring and uplifting reads you can pick up. It is a handlbook for how to live a life of active faith.
Shinn’s gift included her ability to simplify the complicated language from scriptures into understandable applicable terms, showing the power of the conscious and subconscious mind and introducing the notion of Fearless Active Faith.
Active Faith.
How does one achieve a life of Active Faith? What does it even mean?
Here is the simple truth. It means something different to everyone. Depending on your belief system, your divine creator, and your cultural norms and traditions. But the essential principles still apply regardless of these details.
Ms. Shinn worked through a series of affirmations – and understanding that the universe is here to assist you on your journey. But you must work in harmony with your Creator and actively engage your spiritual belief system into your daily life. Through prayer, affirmation, meditation and love.
He of little faith will not reap the rewards divinely meant for him/her. And asking only for what is divinely meant for you, is manifestation at its highest level. But how do you ask, exactly?
Ms. Shinn opens her book with the notion that life is perceived as a battle, but is essentially a game. “A game, however, which cannot be played successfully without the knowledge of spiritual law.” (1)
What is Spiritual Law? According to Jesus Christ, it is a great game of Giving and Receiving. Ms. Shinn goes on to explain it in very clear terms. “whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap” This means that whatever man sends out in word or deed, will return to him; what he gives, he will receive. If he gives hate, he will receive hate; if he gives love, he will receive love; if he gives criticism, he will receive criticism; if he lies, he will be lied to; if he cheats, he will be cheated.
Keep thy heart (or imagination) with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23) (2).
This means that whatever you dwell on, will eventually materialize whether you dwell on it out of fear or hope. That could be expanded to - be careful what you worry about, be careful what you spend your time thinking about…if you dwell in negativity, you have to retrain your mental imaging. You have to discipline your thinking. Simply put – you must keep it positive. You must discipline your thoughts. Check yourself when they go negative. Retrain your way of thinking. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Know Thyself.
In ‘The Game of Life and How to Play it” Shinn says there are 3 departments of the mind – the conscious, subconscious and the superconscious mind. Here is how she differentiates the three:
- Conscious: the mortal mind. Sees life as it appears to be.
- Subconscious: power without direction; it does what it is directed to do
- Superconscious: The God mind within each of us—the realm of perfect ideas
What we feel deeply and imagine clearly, impresses itself upon the subconscious mind. She goes on to explain this was one of Jesus Christ’s main teachings “By your words ye are justified and by your words ye are condemned.” You can literally talk yourself into unhappy experiences. Do you often speak down to yourself? Are you harder on yourself than others around you? Are you talking and thinking yourself into a life of pain and misery? Are you?
There is another part of your mind…that speaks to you in ways that you can choose to hear, or ignore because of your own negative thoughts and self-speak. It’s your intuition. Intuition means to be taught from within. Those flashes – that hunch – those feelings when listened to, are usually the divine guidance that we are seeking. The answers to our prayers – for when we pray, we are asking of God, he responds from within, through your intuition and hunches. Everything comes from within. Listen carefully.
The law of manifestation – you know, that ability to make ideas come to life, through desire and work – is something that cannot and will not happen until you make the first move. It is explained in scripture like this...”Ask, and it shall be given to you, seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” (Mat 7:7). You must make the first move and divine guidance will follow. Spirit cannot help you when you do not act – they cannot do it for you, but their divine guidance, that intuitive feeling, those gut hunches, are their way of opening the doors and helping you find what you seek. Listen up and watch how your manifestation shifts.
Know thyself.
Know your thoughts, watch how they manifest in your life. If you can control your negative thoughts, discipline the mind to listen and open itself up to learning and hearing your intuitive side, as Shinn puts it so eloquently – “you can change your conditions, by changing your words.” And when you speak these words aloud, with power and conviction – they become transformative.
Shinn has called the 4 pillars of life, Health, Wealth, Love and Perfect Self-Expression. It’s difficult to express yourself without words. Choose them wisely.